Computer Videos

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Native Instruments Maschine Jam Launch Event Music StoreYoutube
MUSIC STORE Shop & Logistics CenterA flight through the amazing MUSIC STORE Shop and High-Tech-Logistics Center in Cologne, Germany.Youtube
MUSIC STORE TV at the Frankfurt Music Fair 2014MUSIC STORE TV will be at the Frankfurt Music Fair "Musikmesse" and our video teams will show you all the new musical instruments, studio-, light- and show- equipment.
Musikmesse begins on 12th march 2014 !!!Youtube
Feeltune Rhizome Groovebox @ NAMM 2011The small french manufacturer FEELTUNE rocks the 2011 NAMM show with the ultimate groovetool: The RHIZOME !
They have packed a Core2Duo based PC with VST-plugins into an amazing groovebox hardware for live- and studio-performance. Now you can "grab" your plugins and make them groove like never before :-)
Presented by Music Store TV - "live" from california.Youtube
NAMM 2011 Music Store TV aux États-UnisToutes les nouvelles de NAMM 2011 sur et